Fri 10 February 2023 (verändert am Fri 10 February 2023) Translation, ai translation AI translation, human translation, machine translation, Quality translations, translation
To celebrate World Cat Day on August 8th, I asked Copilot to generate an image of cats having a party. I chose this image out of the four suggestions. The result is impressive, indeed, and I was initially absolutely enthusiastic. But if you look closely, you’ll notice that many details are wrong: the fish seems to have been caught near Fukushima, the cutlery appears melted, and the cats' eyes look a bit strange…
I often experience something similar with AI translation: at first glance, the result is impressive—grammatically perfect sentences that make sense and flow easily. But when you closely compare the source and target texts and dive deeper in the target text, you’ll quickly notice many errors: wrong terms, terminological inconsistencies, missing content, or even added content (the so-called “hallucinations”), restructured sentences that do not reflect the original meaning, even some grammar mistakes...
AI translation and modern MT are very handy tools for getting a rough understanding of a text written in a language you don’t master. They can solve certain linguistic tasks in an impressive way. Still, if you need to translate a text that is crucial for conveying your message or ensuring a solid relationship with your customer—where quality, details, and accuracy are essential—it's better to entrust your text to a professional linguist. A human translator ensures that your texts in the target language faithfully and eloquently reflect your message for your audience.
Don’t hesitate to contact me for quality technical texts in French and for advice on your content marketing for the French market. You will also find a presentation on document marketing on my LinkedIn profile.